On September 12, 2023, Attorney Shafran filed a class action suit (Unpaid Vacation Time) on behalf of former corporate employees of Dunkin’ brands alleging that Dunkin’ violated the Massachusetts Wage Act, G.L. c. 149, § 148, as a result of a company-wide policy pursuant to which it failed to pay all accrued and unused paid time off to employees based out of Dunkin’s Canton, Massachusetts headquarters who employment began before December 31, 2021 and ended at anytime between January 1, 2022 and the present. If you have not been paid the value of all accrued and unused vacation time at the end of your employment, Attorney Shafran can assist you in recovering this compensation.
Late Wage Payments in Massachusetts – Understanding Your Rights
Employees in Massachusetts are entitled to timely wage payments under state law. When an employer delays paying wages beyond the legally mandated timeframe, it can create financial hardship and uncertainty for workers. Massachusetts has