Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards updates Prevailing Wage Topical Outline

On December 7, 2022, the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards issued an update to its Topical Outline of Massachusetts Prevailing Wage Law. This outline provides guidance on all issues related to compliance with the Massachusetts prevailing wage law, including detailed opinion letters on the type of work covered by various occupational classifications. These occupational classifications include, but are not limited to: bituminous concrete work, bridge work, cable communication line installation, carpenters, catch basin cleaning, ceramic tile installation, concrete work, deleading, drawbridge operators, electricians, field engineers, fire alarm/sprinkler installation, glaziers, gravel and fill transportation, HVAC work, ironworkers, laborers, manhole rehabilitation and sewer pipe repair, painting, paving, pile drivers, pipelayers, ready-mix concrete drivers, roof work, telecommunications technicians, tree work, truck drivers, and water meter installation.

In addition to detailed information concerning occupational classifications, the DLS topical outline also provides guidance on other issues arising under the prevailing wage law include appropriate benefit deductions, overtime calculations, off-site vs. on-site work, non-construction prevailing wage work, and the applicability of the prevailing wage law to school bus drivers, the cleaning and maintenance of public office space, and public housing authorities.

Here is a copy of the updated Department of Labor Standards (DLS) topical outline. Attorney Shafran is also available to assist with any issues related to the Massachusetts prevailing wage law.

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